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3 times miscarriage even with Endometriosis

(Pregnant in three months after doctors say impossible)

After two years of trying to conceive and suffering a couple of early miscarriages, the doctors told us our only chance to get pregnant was IVF with Donor Eggs.  At 32 years old, my FSH was 35 (near menopausal levels), my follicle counts were very low, and my AMH was very low.  I started seeing Clair in early July, and I saw her ten times between then and mid-September, when I found out I was pregnant naturally!!  My doctors were amazed.  I truly believe that Clair's acupuncture treatment and herbs were fundamental in lowering my FSH (it dropped to 10 the month I conceived!), and ultimately helping me get pregnant. I am now four months pregnant with a little boy and my pregnancy has been healthy and uneventful. I strongly recommend Clair to anyone trying to get pregnant!

Recovered Miscarriage 

Two years after my first miracle that Clair helped me with, I came back to her. I still struggled with High FSH, low AMH, endometriosis, MTHFR mutation, repeated early losses, and a very low Day 3 Follicle count. Just like the first time it only took about two months of seeing Clair and changing my diet and lifestyle to conceive successfully! The doctors said I would never be able to have children with my own eggs, and now I have two miracle children! I definitely believe that acupuncture played a big part in my success both times. For more on my miracles and the diet and lifestyle changes I made, visit 

Inducing Acupuncture 42 to 40wks

I was 37 weeks and due with my fourth child when my midwife recommended acupuncture for swelling. I had also delivered all of my babies naturally at 42 weeks and my midwife suggested

acupuncture to avoid induction and start preparing my body for natural childbirth. This was the first time that I had used acupuncture and was not sure what to expect. Clair was very knowledgeable and explained to me what she was doing. Also, she took time to understand my pregnancy and was careful not to begin anything too soon, since I was only 37 weeks. The main purpose at 37 weeks was to alleviate some of the foot and ankle swelling and painful shin splints. I was so pleased at how relaxing and soothing that the whole process was. I saw Clair twice a week and it helped relieve the swelling and pain. When I went past 40 weeks, Clair was there to continue acupuncture and help with natural induction. Clair saw me on a Saturday morning and by late afternoon my contractions started and my healthy baby boy was born the next day. I attribute the last few pain-free weeks of my pregnancy to Clair and her ability to help me manage the swelling that can become unbearable in the humid DC summer

Pain Management 

Plantar Fasciitis Relief After Just Three Treatments
Four years ago, I suffered from an extreme case of plantar fasciitis.  As I work in  retail, this was an excruciating problem for me.  At that time my doctor recommended a course of treatment that included cortisone shots and physical therapy.  It took  6 months, 3 days a week of physical therapy for the pain to go away. You can imagine my dismay when the plantar fasciitis returned last Christmas.  I was not looking forward to the physical therapy bill once again.  A friend of mine suggested I give acupuncture a try and recommended Clair.
It was amazing!  After only 3 treatments, I could already feel relief and at the end of 6 treatments the pain was gone completely.  It has been 4 months since the end of the treatment, and I feel fantastic. I recommend this treatment.  If my condition should return, I'll definitely return for a follow-up.  Thank you Clair! ~J.P.

Retired Naval Aviator Finds Pain Relief & Increased EnergyI am a retired Naval Aviator, during which time I suffered long lasting injury during an unfortunate ejection from a Navy F/A-18 aircraft. These injuries in later years have caused pain and swelling in both ankles, lower back, right shoulder and right arm areas. The pain progressively grew to the point that I had to do something, particularly in my lower back and left ankle areas. I sought physical therapy, but this did not seem to completely resolve these issues. After a recent visit with a Navy Dr. he inquired if I had investigated the possibility of Acupuncture therapy. I had not, and just coincidentally I met Dr. Jung at a local fitness place I had been attending. In short, after just a few visits to Dr. Jung and receiving Acupuncture therapy, the pain in the areas mentioned was almost completely gone! In addition to the pain being gone, I also noticed a great increase in general energy, flexibility and physical well being. Acupuncture therapy has worked very well for me! ~P.B. 


Regains Motion & Loses Pain

Hi Clair, just wanted to thank you for the acupuncture session you performed for the trigger finger of my left hand. When opening & closing my fist, my middle finger would lock up & it was very painful. It feels great now. Also the acupuncture on my right ankle has me walking with almost no pain. Thanks again. ~J.U.

Mental Health

Anti-depressant Meds No Longer Necessary

I’ve been going to Claire since Fall of 2012. When I first saw her I was having back pain, my foot was bothering me due to surgery (the reason I stopped running!), had severe carpal tunnel syndrome and was taking anti-depressant meds.

Today, I’m back to running again and no longer take any anti- depressant meds, yay! Claire is pretty amazing; she’s a natural healer who has a very calm, soothing personality! She really took the time to get to know my health history, etc. She also gives me advice on nutrition & how to age gracefully. Her work place is always clean and peaceful! I highly recommend Clair to anyone who is in pain who would like to feel good again! ~S.K.

Weight Loss

12 Pound Loss & Neck Pain Disappears
OMDPEACE is amazing! I had shoulder and neck pain and could barely turn my head while driving.  I went looking for an acupuncturist in Prince Wm County after my doctor said I would need surgery. I got so much more than pain relief!  After only 3 visits I forgot all about my neck pain, it is gone! Clair treats mind, body, and soul! After 5 visits I have lost 12 pounds. I went for my shoulder and neck pain. I did not know Clair would go beyond that and treat all my ailments. I have taken allergy medicine for 25 years, I no longer take pills, use sprays or have headaches! Thank you Clair, I feel like a new person.  ~J.L.

Headache and Migraine 

Relief From Migraines & Lower Back Pain
I read about the benefits of acupuncture online and decided to give it a try. Clair was very understanding and took the time to review my medical history, while educating me on the benefits of acupuncture before beginning any session…I suffered from chronic migraines for years. After trying several medications that only temporarily helped with my pain, I wanted to try a natural alternative. After only a few sessions with Clair, my migraines were less intense and less frequent!...After a work injury in 2007, I began to experience pains in my lower back. I'm happy to report that after three sessions, my back pain has stopped - for the past 5 months I have been pain free! Acupuncture is virtually painless, and best of all, it works!...I would recommend her services to everyone. ~J.L.
Yoga Instructor Finds Relief After Medication & Massage Don’t Work
I am a 48-year-old yoga instructor. I started going to Clair for acupuncture for a rotator cuff injury. I had tried a few months of anti-inflammatory medication, yoga, massage. I was continuing to loose range of motion and couldn't lift my right arm straight up. I was in constant pain, like a toothache in my shoulder. I couldn't put weight on my right arm in plank pose. In Sun Salutation you are continually moving the shoulder and using strength in the arms. I was beginning to over stress the left wrist and arm for compensation for the right shoulder. I met Clair at a Member Day at the gym where I work. She was confident that she could help me with the injury. After the first visit I would say about 70% of the pain was gone. It took about 4 or 5 sessions to regain most of the movement. I now have full range of motion on my right shoulder and the pain in my left wrist and arm are gone. She has also helped my low back pain after I helped my daughter move out of her apartment. After one treatment I felt great! ~M.D.


Regulated Heart Rate & Reduced Discomfort

I am a 62 year old male. During the early winter of 2011, I was under the professional care of Dr. Clair Ockhee Hoffman. I have always believed that there is a lot of truth and validity in Eastern medicine, while others may be quick to discount its healing virtues. My main interest was in herbs and their healing and vitalizing qualities. As far as acupuncture goes, I wasn't 100% sold on its effectiveness, but I was willing to give it a try. My physical complaints involved several areas: Rheumatoid arthritis, particularly centered around my feet with joint damage and swelling and discomfort when walking; very irregular heartbeat with significant palpatations. My cardiologist discounted its significance, but I found the heart jumping to be worrisome. I have a congenital weakness in my knees, and my left knee required surgery 15 years ago to remove a bursa sack around my kneecap. During the later part of 2010, my right knee started acting up and I had to put up with a new "balloon" on my right kneecap. It was somewhat uncomfortable being hot to the touch, and irritated with I walked. Dr. Hoffman gave me an exam, with a very thorough history of my diet, phyical activities, and daily routine. She implemented a treatment plan based on several rounds of acupuncture, along with herbal teas and natural herbal supplements, and promoting good Qi. The results of these treatments, and additional walking on my part: 75% reduction in swelling and discomfort in my feet; complete subsidence of the swelling and fluid on my right knee; my heartbeat is now normal and regular. I am ver satisfied with these positive results from Dr. Hoffman's treatment plan.


Relief from Chronic Migraines

I would like to express my gratitude to Claire for the remarkable treatment I have received from her. I have had chronic

migraines since 1986 and have taken many prescription meds without relief.  I experienced immediate relief and a sense of calmness after my first treatment. It has been the best thing I have ever done for my migraines. I recommend Claire to everyone.


Acupuncture Returns Low Platelets to Normal Count

Thank you so much for your professionalism and the great care you have given me. During treatment I have experienced reduced pain, more healing and increased Platelets. I have an auto immune disorder effecting my Liver and was told by doctors there was nothing I could do to increase my low platelet count. After 3 weeks my numbers improved to normal. Thank you so much for treating me and giving me hope! ~L.S.

Colonoscopy Without Anesthesia, only Acupuncture 

Clair, you asked me to describe the feelings which  I experience during colonoscopy. There is absolutely no burning or cutting pain, even during the biopsies, only some abdominal pressure at the beginning.

After the tube enters there is a feeling of pressure that builds up to a peak, but then stays steady until the tube reaches the cecum. The pressure can be quite intense but I don't know if pressure is defined as pain, or even if there is a scale to measure it.  It almost can feel like the tube is about to perforate the bowel wall and if you don't trust your practicioner, you can get panicky. You feel yourself clenching your abdominal muscles as if that would help, but it doesn't.

Still, it's not pain, and very tolerable for the short time  until the tube has reached all the way it needs to go. Then, the tube is slowly withdrawn and during this period of the test there is absolutely no pain or pressure.  I need many biopsies which are performed during this time. I know something is happening, but I only feel it as a very small bit of pressure, as if a bubble burst in my belly. I watch the screen and see the cutting of inflamed tissue or removal of polyp  and watch the nurse who is amazed that I'm not complaining or showing any distress.

I can remember that my blood pressure spiked twice in the maybe 14 or 15 times that I had the test, and that I was given IV meds to fix it.

I am afraid of anesthesia because I love how my brain works academically, and because I am usually internally happy and in a good mood. I remember having anesthesia years ago for very minor procedure and taking months to feel normal again. It isn't worth sleeping through the test because of a very few moments of discomfort.

I hope this helps you.

Joanne Eisen


Chronic Colitus 

I was hospitalized with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Ulcerative Colitis or UC] over 30 years ago. I received the usual western medical treatment and learned to live with my illness as did my Mom. I was on steroids on and off, gained lots of weight, was hospitalized 3 more times when the disease flared and I learned to live with it. When I moved to Virginia, last July, my disease got worse and I knew I needed even stronger medication.

Then, I was introduced to Clair. Soon after starting treatment (2 months ago) I began to feel normal. This disease is no longer running my life. Clair is now helping me to lose some weight. Thank you so much.


So what…acupuncture means needles?  I feel great. Instead of going on stronger medication, I am off all medication and the side problems they come with.

I understand this might not work for everyone, but I certainly recommend trying acupuncture with Clair and I hope that if you’re reading this, you get results as good as I did.


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